Refund Policy
As a customer of Pretty URL, you have the right to expect a fair and transparent refund policy. That's why we're proud to offer a 14-day money-back guarantee on our plans, so you can try our service risk-free.
Here's how it works: If you're not satisfied with your plan within the first 14 days of signing up, you can cancel your subscription and receive a full refund. No questions asked.
But we don't just stop there. We want to make sure we're delivering the best possible service to our customers, so if you do decide to cancel, a member of our team will contact you to find out why you're cancelling and see if there's anything we can do to rectify the situation.
We understand that sometimes things just don't work out, and that's okay. But we also believe in continuous improvement, so we value your feedback and want to know how we can do better.
So whether you're just starting out with Pretty URL or you're a long-time customer, know that your satisfaction is our top priority. And if for any reason you're not completely satisfied with your plan, we're here to make it right.